M/Y Nirvana installed two of the Panel Version DOME systems inside their existing domes to accommodate the high bandwidth requirements. They are very satisfied with the performance and were getting stable and reliable connection 20-30 MBPS down on 4G while crossing from Italy to Turkey at 40-80km offshore. Oceanco,89m
Author: Sabine
Motoryacht MOONRISE
Feadship, 100m
M/Y Here Comes the Sun installed our X4 DOME Panel Version system during their major refit at Amels and Damen Yachting shipyard in the Netherlands. Such installation is the easiest and most common installation as it only takes a couple of hours – you only need one network cable and one power cable. No need for coax. Amels, 83m
Motoryacht TOLEMAI
MY Tolemai installed our smaller X2 DOME which has 8 antennas, 2 panels/modems, and a control router. The X2 DOME is meant for yachts up to 30- 35m as such yachts usually have fewer guests onbaord, thus fewer bandwidth requirements. Just like our original X4 DOME – it is an easy self-install and takes only a few hours. Sanlorenzo, 34m
Sailing yacht DESTINATION
Alloy Yachts, 41m
Expedition yacht SEAWOLF
J. & K. Smits Scheepswerven, 58m
Sailing yacht built by
Motoryacht METEOR
Mural Yachts, 46m
Motoryacht COCOA BEAN
M/Y Cocoa Bean installed two of the DOME Panel Version systems inside their existing domes to benefit from increased bandwith and avoid any mast blocage. They were getting over 429 Mbps down on 5G whilst in Barcelona. Trinity Yachts, 74m
Motoryacht BARAKA
Turquoise Yachts, 58m